Friday, November 26, 2010

Monologues Alice Wondeland

The reasons behind the victory of the 2006 World

Ladies and gentlemen at a distance of years here is a document which shows how, even those who allowed Italy to win the World Cup in 2006. More proof that pride , teamwork and technical expertise .. only merit is its :

So a heartfelt thanks goes to Mr. Noel Gallagher that, for the national team and for the good of the Italian people, refused to change their underwear.

thanks of course goes to Mrs. Sonia Amoruso in Del Piero who sacrificed himself to control sacrificial lamb dressed British (and [info] isha00 for me I'm past-video gem).

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Arbor Longboards Canada

[Original - Poker Aces] In The Desert

AUTHOR: [info] taurie_2020 (Peter was obviously written by [info] dhely )
TITLE: In The Desert
NOTE: The characters in these stories are original: Juan Von Schonborn is mine, Peter von Rosenstadt is [info] dhely (I apologize for the misuse of Rhys Harrington [info] ewyn and Hernan de Massaredo of [info] indra_pavamana )
THANKS: a [info] dhely that helped me to "give placed a "
LINK: Sahara fic prologue [info] dhely

Juan opens one eye, is lying on its side, Peter is sleeping a bit 'away, on the stomach , his head buried in the pillow, makes a deep breath, shake, just as if he could not breathe, turned on its side. Juan sees that
asleep, because it covers not take cold and stood up.

Twenty minutes later it is still under hot water, his hands resting against the wall tile color of lapis lazuli, their heads bowed.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Homemade Sausage Smoker


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Flaming Hot Cheetos Mouth Ulcers

Mushroom gallery

Against this blog seems to have a relationship mycological: reappear like mushrooms every time it rains. It rained a lot in recent times. As a result crops up as a pig in the undergrowth.


The truth is that I wanted this blog to remain something rather impersonal and did not want to throw in too much of me because by nature I am a person who likes a little exposure. E 'is equally true that if I threw in, this blog has no reason to exist. I need to throw in myself, I need to rework what happens to me. I also need to have a full stop because my existence at the time sailing in the sea inconstancy.

do not want this blog only exists when it rains. I do not want to be a fungus. Want to be an evergreen. I want my leaves are green, whatever the season.