Monday, January 17, 2011

Gettyimages Without Matermark


References in songs antonacciane is purely random and definitely

E 'thanks to a dear friend and his enviable experience of study abroad that I was reminded of what it means to live with of the unknown. The status of a university student or worker out of the office assumed almost automatically divide the rent payments, utility bills and expenses, as well as the fact of fighting for the bathroom and bathrobe rounds of cleaning, with people never seen in your life.

I experienced the thrill of living with strangers in Italy and abroad and I can say that we have accumulated within a certain amount of experience. Obviously, the probability of nest
people who do not go from one extreme to the other is tending to zero. You can be sure that your roommate will be either chronic or that the casino has in store products in alphabetical order. Or the human landfill, or obsessive-compulsive cleaning. Or allergic to soap, or one who could establish their residence in Via Manzoni 1, B-scale, indoor toilets.
Be assured that the middle way, the individual has a certain amount of existential equilibrium will not find never .

Given all this to be discharged, must find a way to make a living as easy as possible. Any advice for freshmen throw it there:

  • MAINTAIN A THRESHOLD OF INDEPENDENCE (put stakes or mark their territory like dogs ) . I found that, in many cases, housemates tend to split the fare, and then to have a common pantry. This is not a smart move. You find yourself arguing and fighting will come out during your cute phrases like " you've eaten more than I ", " I have consumed all the milk ", " we divided in half spending But the fruit juice you drink only you, you should give me back the money . Here, stuff like that. I always suggest to reduce the minimum required products in comune (limitarsi tipo ai detersivi), di tenere ben separate le derrate (...) alimentari (del tipo ognuno ha la sua credenza o scansia personale) e di suddividersi lo spazio anche all'interno del frigorifero. Diffidare anche del neo-coinquilino che vi invita ad approfittare tranquillamente delle sue cose . Quasi mai questa è generosità disinteressata. Se noi prendiamo del suo, lui si sentirà autorizzato ad appropriarsi del nostro senza farsi troppi scrupoli. Non metto in dubbio ci possano essere persone carine e disponibili, ma questa è una cosa che va appurata nel tempo. Studiate il nemico sul campo ;
  • ELASTICITA' MENTAL . Unless the roommates engage in conduct which must necessarily be taken, I find it is intelligent to have a certain amount of mental flexibility and avoid the subject or call grumble at the slightest carelessness or stupidity. If you miss a turn the lights on, turn it off you without making a fuss. Call this order only for things of a certain weight and also for minor misconduct, but that tends to repeat over time ;
  • NOT TO PUT YOUR FEET IN HEAD . Some people, in contrast, tend to overlook too many things, not to quarrel and to "quiet living. " This too is wrong. The roommate in bad faith will think you are stupid or at least easily manipulated. If necessary, do not be afraid to send him (quietly) in that country. It 'just get a little' fear of certain people;
  • COMMON SENSE. Avoid arranging feasts without the knowledge of our roommate to keep the bathroom busy for a full day or pretend to have forgotten that it was our turn for cleaning, yes? Here, good.
conclude with a Good luck to all displaced persons in homes for students, and with one last tip: ARMED a lot of patience.

things so dear.

PS Oh, in terms of coexistence, Fique idea of the Province of Parma:


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