Thursday, July 15, 2010

Paint Ball Cake Topper

No, you are not having hallucinations, and that small II next to the word "introduction" is not there by accident. Today, [info] liebeslider reopens changing only part of its address and its organization, in order to comply with a wish that I heard recently born: to give a home to a community on LiveJournal generic fanfiction about Tokio Hotel. Slash, therefore, but also het and gen, which on LiveJournal, also because of the towing and Billshido twincest, have never had the shine they deserved.
I am aware that there are other places on the web, where you can post fanfiction of this kind (there is an EFP for Jan, and there is [info] kaulitzestita for twincest) But the idea of a general store, comprehensive, just can not let go. I decided to wait a bit 'to begin this change, because I did not want it to feel like an attempt to "override" the [info] kaulitzestita : it is not, and I'll be more than happy if you continue to post your twincest on that community, which, moreover, was an important part of my life in fandom, and the main reason why I finally camped on LJ, now several years ago, but I'll be equally happy if you decide to get some 'space for this [info] liebeslider 2.0, hoping we can find a comfortable place for exchange and interesting:)

What can I post ?
Any story involving Tokio Hotel, be it slash, het or gen, is more than welcome. Are of course welcome, next to TH, other characters of the show, is not German, both musical and otherwise, and are of course also allowed OC (original character , original characters created by the author of fanfiction), but the presence of one or more members of Tokio Hotel condition for a fic to be posted.
addition to fanfiction, you are invited and encouraged to post also works of graphic manipulation, other fanart, fanmix, and any other type of graphical content, such as icon, layouts LiveJournal or any other platform, wallpaper, banners and so on .
Each post will be padlocked (ie made visible to members of the community). This suggests that, to view the contents posted here, you must join the community (which is still open to everyone, so do not worry: I do not have to approve your request, once you join the community you can view all the content without doing anything more ^ ^).

Should I put a sketch, when I post something?
Yes, for clarity and to inform other visitors to the content of your post:)
The fanfiction posted must strictly follow this format.

Post subject:

[fanfiction / Translation] Title history [Rating]

Card submission of fanfiction:

Genre: (see here for explanation)
Rating: (see here for explanation)
Alerts: (see here for explanation)
Notes: (any)

Apart from the notes, of course optional, anything else is required .
E 'can be inserted before the text of the story of a banner presentation (recommended size: 340 px width, height 200 px, but you do a little 'as you like, provided that the banner is not as big as the whole screen XD). This banner can be made using any of the photos you like, but it is strictly prohibited use fanart or graphics manipulation carried out by other authors, unless it has received their express consent.
The story is posted in the lj-cut and post is visible to members of the community.
Each story must be tagged (in space labels), which indicates the main pair. Examples: tom / georg , bill / bushido , gustav / andreas and so on. Remember, too, to add your tags page, so for example if I post a fanfiction, insert between the tags author: lisachan . If, however, the history that place has been translated, the author will use a tag (for the original author) tag and a translator (for me), so I will have, for example, author: Pinco Pallo and translator: lisachan .
Members may not create tag does not already existing, so I'll take care of creating them, if it is the first time I posted, but after their creation, you'll have to be to pick up from time to time.

Can I still send header for the layout?
But of course:) And do not bother to follow the current color, can be easily modified. The only rule is that you must comply with the dimensions: 600x300 pixels , not one more nor one less, or the layout will eventually become deformed.
Send me your creations .

Netiquette and plagiarism
Here allegedly maximum education to all users and the deepest respect for any couple should unfortunately stumble in front of you during your stay. Might see a TomxGeorg and find the pair repulsive ma non per questo sarete minimamente autorizzati ad offendere l'autrice della fanfiction dicendole ad esempio che non ha capito niente e che i suoi gusti fanno schifo. I commenti servono per condividere le sensazioni provate durante la lettura, fare un complimento o esprimere una critica, non per discutere le scelte di fandom. Anche perché immagino non vi faccia piacere, quando discutono le vostre u.u
Per quanto riguarda le traduzioni, siete liberissimi di tradurre da qualsiasi lingua qualsiasi cosa vogliate, ma dovrete prima chiedere il permesso all'autore originale e dopo assicurarvi che la traduzione non sia già in corso ad opera di qualcun altro. E' vivamente consigliato, se non addirittura fondamentale evitare di retranslate a fanfiction in the past has been translated by someone else, unless the author has given explicit consent for very specific reasons that you should discuss with those who have already published the story before ritradurla in turn. And 'my interest in the matter of translation is clear, crystalline, and may not create, starting from this, the most different types of "diplomatic incident". Be respectful of others' work, and others will respect yours. Also, when you post a translation, please post more and also the link to the original story. And strive, where possible, to translate the comments to the author.
Questions regarding plagiarism and inspiration, whether graphic or desk, please contact the undersigned via PM or email ( giorgia.anzalone @ or , but preferably the first, since it is one that takes better eye), stating the problem calmly and providing the texts of the stories or, in the case of very long stories, specific pieces that you feel have been brainwashed or are the result of inspiration not authorized / not properly credited. Let us all come to meet: Since I'm alone to manage the whole, not caricatemi of overwork, Make it simple and I'll try to solve every problem as quickly as possible.


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